As part of the Trust’s commitment to openness and accountability, Board meetings will be held in public on a regular basis and will provide the opportunity for staff, patients, the media and the public to attend.

The meetings will usually begin at 9.30am and any variation to this time will be shown on the agenda. This is the schedule of meetings for the current year.

Members of the public and media are welcome to observe the meetings but are advised that they are meetings held in public, not public meetings. If you wish to attend, please contact the Corporate Governance team via or on 01253 951505.

In relation to posting agendas, all matters to be acted on by the Board will be posted on the Trust’s website at least three working days prior to the Board meeting.

In urgent cases, or when a subject matter needs immediate action or comes to the attention of the Board subsequent to the posting of the agenda, upon making certain findings the Board may act on an item that was not on the posted agenda under "any other business". Any supplementary agenda items will also be posted on this website.

There are occasions when the Board will need to consider agenda items which are confidential and cannot be discussed in public.

The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960 and the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) (NHS Trusts) Order 1997 permits a Board of an NHS foundation trust to pass a resolution to exclude the public and media from the meeting “whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business, or for other special reasons stated in the resolution”.

Whenever a Board resolution to conduct business in private is passed, the resolution itself should be made public.